Stock Valuation Summary
A Stock Valuation Report is a document that provides a detailed estimate of the value of a business's inventory. The report takes into account factors such as the cost of each item, the current market price of each item, and any discounts or surcharges that may apply.
The need for a Stock Valuation Report arises from the need to accurately value a business's inventory for financial reporting and planning purposes. This information is critical for a number of reasons, including:
Financial Planning: The Stock Valuation Report provides important information for calculating the value of a business's inventory, which is an important component of a company's financial statements. This information is useful for making financial projections and planning for future investments.
Cost Control: The Stock Valuation Report can be used to identify overstocked or slow-moving items, and to determine the most cost-effective ways to dispose of those items.
Tax Planning: The report can be used to calculate the value of a business's inventory for tax purposes, which can help to minimize a company's tax liability.
Mergers and Acquisitions: The Stock Valuation Report is a key component of due diligence for potential buyers in the context of mergers and acquisitions. The report provides an estimate of the value of the inventory, which helps buyers to make informed decisions about the potential purchase.
This reports provides the information of the Stock valuation based on the total mrp, price and cost of the inventory stock and shows information of the product sku and the quantity of the product against the location.
How to view the Stock Valuation Summary
- Open Back Office
- Click Reports Section or use shortcut key (Alt+R) the reports section willbe open.
- Click Stock Valuation Summary to view the report.
- Stock Valuation Summary will be shown for the valuation based on MRP, price and cost.
- Use the fillers based on the branches, location and product name.
Use Export All and Export Current Page options to export the report details in to comma seperated CSV file.