Cash Register Summary Report
A Z-Report, also known as a cash register closing report, is a financial document that provides a summary of all transactions processed through a cash register during a specified time period, usually a day. It is an important tool for businesses that operate with a physical point of sale, as it provides a detailed record of all sales, returns, and cash transactions.
The Z-Report is typically generated at the end of each business day and is used to reconcile the cash register's takings with the actual amount of cash in the till. This information is used to ensure that all transactions have been properly recorded, and to identify any discrepancies that may have occurred.
The Z-Report typically includes information such as the total sales, returns, and discounts for the day, the amount of cash, checks, and credit card payments received, and the total amount of cash in the till. This information can be used to calculate the day's profit, calculate taxes, and monitor the performance of the business.
In addition to being used for financial purposes, the Z-Report is also used for inventory management and employee accountability. The report provides information on the items that were sold and the quantities of each item, which can be used to track inventory levels and identify slow-moving or overstocked items. The report can also be used to monitor the performance of employees and to ensure that all transactions are conducted according to the company's policies and procedures.
Click the cash register to open the below section, and see the details of todays cash, credit and debit.
How to view the Cash Register Order Summary Report
- Open Back Office
- Click Report Section.
- Click Cash Register Summary to view the report.
- The Cash Register Summary will be shown for the current date.
- Change Start Date and End Date.
- The report will be automatically refreshed with the values for new dates selected.
Use Export All and Export Current Page options to export the report details in to comma seperated CSV file.